About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


80s phrases

1. bonkers, bonks you out.
2. bubble yum keeps it poppin
3. did i do that??
4. fer sure
5. howdee
6. mama mia
7. o-tay
8. wah wah wah
9. whats up doc??
10.'why don tyou marry it'


1. how to caref ro a diabetic cat
2. how to catch snakes
3. how to find costumes for 5 dollars
4. how to avoid getting split ends
5. how to remove a booger from your finger
6. how to make your own homemaid wax to remove hair
7. how to start grieving when your spouse leaves
8. how to leave someone
9. how to make friends
10.how to meet guys on campus...hmmm..lol



1. how to lessen your carbon footprint while traveling
2. how to politely get rid of dinner guests
3. how to survive family holiday renunions
4. how to deal with a difficult roomate
5. how to get more friends on e-how
6. how to keep a hater at bay
7. how to clean a comb without combing it
8. how to enjoy toilets around the world
9. how to play the guitar
10.how to broaden your music horizons


Mr. Miyagi: 'No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do. '
The Karate Kid is basically about an underdog striving for victory. Daniel, the main character, gets beat up almost every day. He gets so tired of that happening to him, he eventually resorts to a karate teacher. The karate teacher, Miyagi, was also the janitor at Daniels school. Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel how to defend himself properly. Daniel thought that karate was just about fighting or getting trained to fight but Miyagi showed him otherwise. The Karate Kid is an awesome movie. It got great reviews from numerous places. It also has many sequels and remakes, such as Kung Fu Kid. This movie can teach young children character traits that they will need to know in life. It also can teach them how to take correction and learn from their mistakes. So, if you havent seen the Karate Kid do your best to check it out as soon as possible.
Miyagi: We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions.



6-year old girl evicted??

-this little girl lives with her grandparents in retirement community because her mother is on drugs. the retirement community's bilaw states tht u have to be 55+ to live there. the community wants them to move out and if not, they believe the girl should be placed in foster care. isnt the whole goal of government to bring families together when in essence they are going to be breaking them up. i know the law of the community matters but what matters more??

Micheal Jackson

-they just went to far. i mean yeah hes a a celeb and all but come on hes a real person too. putting his will out was way to personal and it invaded the privacy of he and his family.


Declaration of Independence

1. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?
-- they are stated, then explained.
2. Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described. What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values? What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?
a) they are to secure those rights.
b) if the government fails, then we have the right to abolish or alter it
3. How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?
--freedom of speech: if we didnt have this, we couldnt print NP's like we want to.lol

4. Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.
--we are a diverse nation therefore we arent set on one type of race or opinion.
5. What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?
--"...we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."


My Barnes and Noble Experience!

First of all, it's Barnes and Noble. If you dont love it, then you have a problem. Barnes and Noble is awesome!! They sell any type of books or magazine you want. They sell music too.There is a very wide range of books. Mystery to biographies. The magazine section of B&N is pretty cool too. It has magazines for all types of people. Sports, Fashion, History, Animals, ect! You can never get bored here.
To be honest though,I didnt know they sell DVDs or games there.
I never really payed attention to all of that, I jus go for the books. That just goes to show you how amazing B&N is. They have many board games to choose from. Plus, they have a cafe'. Cappuccinos, mochas,hot chocolate...and of course water, is sold there to accomodate anyone. You can never go thirsty if you're at B&N!!
Okay, so by now you are probably thinking that yeah this is a pretty cool place. But wait, it gets even better!! If you are a member at B&N, you can get great discounts!!! With your membership card you can get 40% off bestselling hardbacks, and 20% off of all adult hardbacks, and 10% off pretty much anything else.
So how's that for awesome. Also,if you go upstairs then look straight across the balcony, you will see a mural of authors. Hemingway, to name one of them, and many more classics.
So, B&N sounds like a pretty cool place to visit now doesnt it. You have to remember though, it is a bookstore so you cant have to much fun (even though I did). B&N is a place for you read, study or just relax, but most of the time you see students in study groups. I would go there more often if I had a car. (cough cough, mom and dad)I have to admit, adults and children thought I was crazy. I mean, who takes pictures in the bookstore?, and in the kids section at that? I guess only the students in Ms., Melancon's journalism class. Go and enjoy for yourself. You are bound to love it!!