About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



6-year old girl evicted??

-this little girl lives with her grandparents in retirement community because her mother is on drugs. the retirement community's bilaw states tht u have to be 55+ to live there. the community wants them to move out and if not, they believe the girl should be placed in foster care. isnt the whole goal of government to bring families together when in essence they are going to be breaking them up. i know the law of the community matters but what matters more??

Micheal Jackson

-they just went to far. i mean yeah hes a a celeb and all but come on hes a real person too. putting his will out was way to personal and it invaded the privacy of he and his family.

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