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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



The overly populated Haiti suffered a severe earthquake 2 weeks ago. The earthquake left the residents of Haiti devestated,desperate,and helpless. Many have lost their lives, and rescue teams are still searching through debri only to find more missing people. The people of Haiti were already poor and sort of at a disadvantage before the earthquake happened. Since the island is so small and over populated, the food supply was already short. Now that they have bben through this, everything has fallen apart.
"Many notable landmark buildings were significantly damaged or destroyed, including the Presidential Palace, the National Assembly building, the Port-au-Prince Cathedral, and the main jail. Among those killed were Archbishop of Port-au-Prince Monsignor Joseph Serge Miot."
The Haitian authorities confirmed that the death toll exceeded 150,000 people as of January 25th.The bodies had to be buried in mass graves because the island is so small. Rescue teams are still helping the Haitians by sending them medical supplies, food, and other necessities.
On January 22nd the United Nations called off the search for survivors. Meanwhile, The U.S. Army's Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) will send its 597th Transportation Brigade to Port-au-Prince to deliver humanitarian supplies. This department of the military usually only transports passengers but for this mission the Maritime Administration has given operational control of the vessel to the Military Sealift Command to deliver equipment and cargo as well as military personnel.
(opyright © 2010, Newport News, Va., Daily Press)
In hopes of rebuilding Haiti, many people are donating money to them. Even large companies are setting up ways for people to donate. This has impacted more people than you may have thought it would. Even though it was on the other side of the country , it afected the world.We can all donate money to them, they are desperately in need of it.
Some people are still selfish though. Some believe that the government paid more atention to the disaster in Haiti, than a disaster in their own country. They are refering to the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We have to realize that even though we had a disaster of our own, we were initially better off than the Haitians in the first place. We weren't desperately poor or helpless. Yes, we went though a lot and our lives were altered a little bit, but just for a second stop being selfish and become comepletely selfless. That's all that matters.


1.19.10 UTeach/20 pics


That was pretty cool. I never really understood that game anyway, so I never played it. Im definately going to play it now that I know how to cheat, I mean win. lol. Thanks Nate-Dog.


Ok trees? Didnt expect to learn about those. What can I say though, with Tim, expect the unexpected. This was so interesting. To be ones, I did wonder how some trees were able to grow in the weird positions Tim taught about. So, no Tim, you didnt teach in vain. I liked it.

Alexis-Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ok Lex, yes i loved the fact that you taught me how to make them, but you actually brought us some. That was the best part. I appreciate the recipe but i dont think mine will taste like hers. This was the best UTeach because SheTeached and IAte. lol.

1.20.10- The Illuminati/O.T.O.

In Mr. Baham's family finance class and Mr. Spann's Boys Bible class we were watching a DVD named the Truth Behind Hip-Hop. This DVD is very informative, but in a way hard to believe in the beginning. It's about how music holds sublimal messages mostly about worshiping the Devil. Showing how some famous people, mostly musicians, believe that Hip-Hop is a way of life.
First, I'll give you the background behind the Illuminati and the O.T.O. The people of the Illuminati are said to be "Enlightened". They claim to know things we do not and have higher knowledge which they believe to be the truth. The O.T.O.(Ordo Templi Orientis) "is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley has become the most well known member of the order. He is also known as the most wicked man that ever lived."
These peolple beleive that God did not give Satan a fair chance. In their eyes, Satan was misunderstood and he should receive grace and mercy just like us. Their main goal is to lead us away from God and they do this boldly. It has been proven that they are doing this through the media industry, but mainly through music. My philosophy as to why music is the power source is because when Satan was an Angel, he was head of Praise and Worship.
Artists such as Michael Jackson, Prince and even some of our Modern artists are thought to believe in this. This is how the O.T.O. works with the famous. When the person of their interest reaches a certain amount of money and sell a ceretain amount of of albums, the O.T.O. will contact them and force them to join. If they refuse to join, they will be either killed, thrown in jail, or someone in theor family may get killed. When they join, the artists are promised a very wealthy life and much praise from fans.
This all leads back to Lucifer wanting praise through music. The artists are worshiping him, therefore the praise is going back to him. These things are not discreetley done. The famous song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zepplin, has a backwards, disturbing message. The alleged message, which occurs during the middle section of the song ("If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now...") when played backwards, was purported to contain the Satanic references "Here's to my sweet Satan" and "I sing because I live with Satan".
That was only one example! There are many more artists who use the technique of backmasking. Do not be fooled. It is real. Christians step up. The Devil is bold, so how much more bold should we as Christians be!

(source: wikepedia.com)


High Skewl Newspapers

Catholic High School
-baton rouge
-Bearly Published
-won numerous awards for the newspaper,including 1st place awards.
-in its 33rd year

Lakewood High
-lakewood colorado
-the lance newspaper

Bronco talk
hudson, nh

Lutcher High School
-Maxpreps Articles
-Lutcher, La

Central High School
-Montgomery Alabama



Rank 3rd place: least favorite

Omg! Newspaper I deas! To be honest this did help to get the creative juices flowing, i agree with that part, but just the numbering part got tiring. I mean you have to go from 1 to 50. That takes so much effort. That means 50 periods to go behind the numbers. I preesed the enter button to go to the next line 50 times. Ugh!! 50, 50, 50. Why did you like that number so much??

-I dont like this blog assignment because it takes to much time and i umm..nevermind. lol. luv ya ms melancon-

Rank 2nd place: second favorite

Very, very strange autobiography. Basically i got to talk about whatever i wanted to talk about. I made up my life. Well, i added fake things to my life and some truth. It was cool though. You should try it sometime. It'll make your life a little bit more interesting. Enjoy!!

Rank 1st place: FAVORITE
Jem is totally Outrageous

This was awesome! Ok so do you remember the popular 80s show? Ok even if you do Im going to tell you anyway. So this show was awesome back in the day. Its about a girl named Jem. She loves to sing (just like me) and she's in a band. Thats enough right there. Awesome, I know! So if you havent seen it. Go on youtube and find out. You'll love it, I did!