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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



Rank 3rd place: least favorite

Omg! Newspaper I deas! To be honest this did help to get the creative juices flowing, i agree with that part, but just the numbering part got tiring. I mean you have to go from 1 to 50. That takes so much effort. That means 50 periods to go behind the numbers. I preesed the enter button to go to the next line 50 times. Ugh!! 50, 50, 50. Why did you like that number so much??

-I dont like this blog assignment because it takes to much time and i umm..nevermind. lol. luv ya ms melancon-

Rank 2nd place: second favorite

Very, very strange autobiography. Basically i got to talk about whatever i wanted to talk about. I made up my life. Well, i added fake things to my life and some truth. It was cool though. You should try it sometime. It'll make your life a little bit more interesting. Enjoy!!

Rank 1st place: FAVORITE
Jem is totally Outrageous

This was awesome! Ok so do you remember the popular 80s show? Ok even if you do Im going to tell you anyway. So this show was awesome back in the day. Its about a girl named Jem. She loves to sing (just like me) and she's in a band. Thats enough right there. Awesome, I know! So if you havent seen it. Go on youtube and find out. You'll love it, I did!

1 comment:

  1. ok so all the ones i looked at so far the least fav. is the 50, omg im so suprised
