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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Two amazing and dedicated journalists from the Washington Post. These two gentlemen changed history.
You may be asking how that is possible. Well i'm going to tell you ofcourse.
In the early 1970's, the United States suffered from the largest scandal ever recorded in history. Unfortunately, the betrayal came from our
highest office. The office that everyone respected and some supported, The Presidency. Many government officials and President Nixon's Re-Elect
campaign members were involved with this scandal. They committed crimes unthought of just to get President Nixon re-elected.
Many peoples homes and offices were "bugged" and were told not to speak of anything that happened in the "inner walls." If they spoke to
anyone they were told that their lives would be in danger. Fortunately, Woodward and Bernstein did not give up on printing their story. They had to
continuously search for any information that they could find. Keep asking questions which were very seldomly answered straightforwardly. Sometimes, they even had to go through riddles just to get the answers they were looking for.
Woodward and Bernstein kept looking persistently. Little did they know they were uncovering the the largest U.S scandal. President Nixon was re-elected, but all the work he went through to get there was unneccessary. He was going to get re-elected anyway.
He resigned though, to avoid the embarrassment of being impeached.

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