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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


3.16.2010 feature story

-The time of my life?? Blogging. Well, i'm not sure I agree. My journalsim teacher seems to love it to death. It's like she's married to it. Oh well, I guess it's ok when you think about it.
-Im pretty sure you are wondering what I could possibly be talking about. Im talking about the new "in-thing" called blogging. First let me tell you what it is.Wikipedia defines blog as a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.Blogging is something that people do over the internet.
-My teacher makes her journalism students blog everyday. She says it will help us become better writers so that we can produce the best newspaper we can. Okay, maybe she's right, but blogging about other schools newspapers and just random things is a little boring and redundant. Although, I complain blogging does help me in many ways.
-There are many other things people can blog about though. They basically discuss anything they want to. The subjects are very various. Some talk about their life issues, even political discussions come up. People basically voice their opinions on these things.
-Blogging is a very good way to enhance writing skills and largen your vocabulary. Good writers are usually goos thinkers and very creative. It also improves your typing speed and gives you a voice whether its read or heard. These discusions usually can become open-ended because there are comment boxes. Sometimes people even start discussions on the comments. VERY iNTERESTING.
-If you want to start blogging, go right ahead. It's very easy. All you have to do is go to blogger.com and create your free blog. After that, you're set, get to blogging and see what others have to say about what you think.

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