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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


Who? Students at the University of Texas.
What? graduate in five years or less.
Where? Texas
When? Now. 3-17-10
Why? The head of the Second Task Force on Enrollment feels this is the to way go
regarding the students who intend to graduate.
How? They'll have to leave the school.

-Mexico's President Calderon seeks US help on drugs war
Who:Mexican President Filipe Calderon, and people from the US
What:killed American workers
Where: Cuidad Juarez
When: Saturday
Why: the people were demanding the withdrawal of Mexican troops in the city
How: there were hundreds of demonstrations and protests and a lot of violence

-Facebook traps Italian fugitive mafia suspect
how: According to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he was arrested as he tried to escape from the roof of the apartment complex near the southern city of Crotone.
when: recently
where: Crotone
why: he was a murderer that was caught
what: The 33-year-old, who faces charges of murder, mafia association and drugs trafficking, was traced via his network of Facebook contacts.
who:Police say the man - one of the country's 100 most-wanted suspects - was responsible for the 2004 murder of a member of a rival clan, who was killed with a portable rocket launcher.

-Baldness 'could be good for your health' say scientists
how: Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine studied 2,000 men aged between 40 and 47.
They were able to link high levels of the male hormone testosterone in those who lose their hair earlier with a lower risk of tumours.
when: in a study
where: University of Washington School of Medicine
why: it was proved in a study
what: A receding hairline can be a good thing, according to US scientists, who say men who go bald by 30 appear to be less likely to develop prostate cancer.
who: men in general

-Explosions hit Nigeria oil amnesty talks
Who: Africa
What: car bombs
When: happening now
Where: Warri, Nigeria
Why: terrorists wanted to bomb the oil city
How: with car bombs

-Doctors Use Tiny Clip to Repair Leaky Heart Valve Without Surgery
Who: doctors in Illinois
What: a way to avoid heart surgery
When: in the near future
Where: Illinois
Why: to avoid heart surgery
How: the clip would cut off the leaky valve in the heart

-Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

-Imprisoned For A Kiss? Two British in Trouble in Dubai
Who:Ayman Najafi, 24, and Charlotte Adams, 25
What: have appealed a conviction for public indecency
When: Last week
Where: Dubai
Why: to much pda apperently
How: a women who witness the alleged action called the police

-Tiger Woods Returns to Play at Masters
Who: Tiger Woods
What: Will return to the masters golf tournament
Where: Augusta, GA
When: next month
Why: he feels ready to start back after his sex scandal
How: he has undergone about two months of inpatient therapy

-Indian Spices, Powders Linked to Lead Poisoning
Who: no one in particular
What: Indian spices = possible lead poisoning
When: recently
Where: Massachusetts
Why: scientific study
How Indian spices are linked to possible lead poisoning after several cases in young children

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