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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


My Year in Journalism

-Fun,strange, loud, random, exciting, upset, disappointing. These are just some of the many emotions I've felt throughout this school year in journalism class. Hardwork and dedication, a sense of time and a "good eye" are some skills required for this class. Wow.I have learned alot from my teacher and my classmates.
-This year was my 2nd year as a journalist. OMG, oh how far we have come. From 1 computer (papa) to like 20! That was such a blessing. From 8 people to maybe 16 (plus the "extra" people that were so jealous they needed a :study hall" in my class) also a blessing.
-Im thankful for being in this class. Even though we played around a whole lot, and occassionaly made you a little concerned, we still got the job done. In my opinion, we have done a very good job. Everyone did what they were required to do and even put in extra just because. It doesn't bother me that people still don't take the time out to read what we have worked on because I know its good.
-So, how do i begin to describe the atmosphere of our class??? I dont think I can. Its so diverse but yet unified. We have loud people, crazy people, silent people who arent silent anymore, the down right hyper people and the bubbly happy smiley people. Wow what a class!
-Unfortunately, this school year is almost over. We are working on our last issue as I speak. Thats sad for me because it is my last, last issue. *sigh* I really hope that the newspaper continues to get better. Ms. Melancon, make sure the right person takes my place on Kidz Korner. They need to have a heart for children too. I wish you luck and success. I love you.
Keesh Keesh <3


  1. Kidz Korner will never be the samee..

  2. you are hilarious and I'm so glad you're in this class with me...even though you do make fun of me like every day
