About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


♥Kids Websites♥

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My NP Assignments

What are your NP assignments for issue 1?
-Kidz Korner and the poetry column

What do YOU need to do to get this story written?
Kidz Korner: find pic. jokes, and write a letter to the kids.
Poetry Column: find a good poem. announce for people to submit poems


News Stories

Jail: A life changer?

who: terrence barkley
what: went to jail for grand theft auto now is a criminal justice major at university of cental missouri
when: after his 16th bday
where: Missouri
why: because he knew he could better things with his life
how: sophmore in college

How to avoid the Freshman 15:

who: freshmen
when:1st yr of college
what: how to avoid gaining 15 pounds your freshman year
where: college
why: because you do not need to gain weight (UNLESS THE DOC SAID SO)
how: -dont overdue dining plan
-structure your eating habits
-watch liqid calories
-join the gym

China Opposes Dalai Lama's Taiwan Visit

who: china/dalai lama/taiwan
what: china doesnt want him to visit taiwan
when: thursday hours after taiwans president announces the visit
where: china and taiwan
why:"Under the pretext of religion, (the Dalai Lama) has all along been involved in seperatist activities"

Toddler killed in police chase:

who: toddler/driver
what: 2 yr old killed in police chase
when: wednesday
where: mobile alabama
why: because the person driving was basically just ignorant and didnt want to stop for the po po.
how: police chase ended in fatal crash

Auburn Holds Back Prayer with flu

who: auburn backup quarterback tyrik rollison
what: had a "touch" of the flu -> missed practice
when: tuesday
where: auburn alabama
why: because coach didnt want it to spread to other teammates

Atrociously..Wrong!! (summary)

Okay. First of all this is utterly ridiculous. You would think that the people that make the signs could spell correctly. Like really..what grade did we learn about plurals?? HMM...think about it. I hope people keep uploading those pictures, maybe one day they will fix their misspelled words..lol.


& still wrong


Krazy Hotel Stays

a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge:
~The 1st room is made to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed. Another has furniture attached to the ceiling, another has coffins for beds, and still another has lion cages on stilts. HOW COOL IS THAT??
b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
~Okay so this place is awesome. It used to hold 19,333 bottles of wine. Now the oak barrels have 2 narrow beds w/ a sittin aarea outside....wow!!
c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
~So they nicknamed this place the Crazy House...perferct name. It has different animal patterns in each room..then it has concrete tree houses..?? dont ask!some things you are better off not knowing
d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
~This hotel is made to look like you "crashed in a jet plane." The inside is decorated accordingly. Who wouldnt want to stay in a plane for a while??
e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town
~This hotel has a surprise on its roof,one in my opinion should have never been though of: a fleet of seven Airstream trailers, six of which were imported from the U.S. The aluminum-clad "rooms," which sleep two people, have been done in playful themes that incorporate icons like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."

4. Which one would you want to stay at and why? What else could you visit while you were in that city?
~ I would want to stay in Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands. Not because people used to get drunk in that same building Ms. Melancon..lol.
~Everything I could within my alloted time. I love to travel!!

Who: Anyone
What: can visit these hotels
When: whenever they get a chance. sooner than later.
Where: Berlin, the netherlands,Vietnam, Costa rica...etc.
Why: because it would be a awesome experience and because I said so..duh
How: Pack your clothes, get on a plane and go..just that simple..oh yeah you have to buy plane tickets!!


fitty eye-dears (50 ideas)

1. poetry column
2. encouragement column
3. sport stats
4. have a teacher contribute smething each issue
5. some important local news
6. bethany church news
7. how to:...
8. study tips
9. clothing
10.surviving the freshman year...
11. do it yourself
12. mazes
13. story column
14. something you didnt know about me is....
15. take surveys of the most liked things out of students at bethany
16. health corner
17. question of the month
18. inspirational quotes
19. encouragement letter
20. interview seniors
21. let seniors give advice to underclassmen each month
22. did you know(international)
23. keep people up 2 date as far as whats going on around the world
24. in iraq:...,in asia:...
25. fun, silly facts about students
26. feature stories on star/potential players
27. feature story on star student in HS
28. student of the month-elementary
29. suggestion corner
30. have you heard??
31. have you read??
32. have you seen??
33. submit poetry/lyrics
34. create a story!-fake story
35. trivia
36. what not to eat
37. places to visit
38. comedy
39. places to eat out
40. connect health to real life
41. studies prove that hugs can help improve blood flow..(example)
42. word search
43. soduku
44. missing letters
45. hide a picture throughout the paper
46. tell the students about blogger.com and tell them 2 create one
47. inform them of when progress reports come out and report cards b/c most of them dnt knw that
48. feature story ont he coolest teachers
49. Talk about and explain God's promises. one in each issue.
50. have ms melancon write a message at the end of each issue abt whatever

Hola de earth! ♥

Who:we can
What:send txt messages to earth-like planet
When:20 yrs from now in 2029
Where:Gliese 581d
Why:b/c there could be other life forms on gliese
How:@ hellofromearth.com

My take: anybody who doesnt think this is cool has a problem!it's as simple as that!

3ARTH & GLI3S3 581d??

OMGracious!!Have you heard that there is a planet something like ours out there?? Ofcourse you havent,so let me tell you. There is a planet out there now named Gliese 581d that is the closest planet in similarity to earth. Isnt that awesome. Yeah, I knew you would think so!!


Heres the link to my KERPOOF MOVIE..ENJOY!




Who You Should Follow??

1. Mr. President- cuz hes the prez, duh!

2. J. Bowles- hes always talking about the radomest stuff (if thats a word)

3. Rev. Run- he has inspirational quotes, real life stuff. makes u think.

4. Will Smith- he is a awesome actor, love him!!

5. Nicholas Cage- National Treasure 1&2, y not follow him??

6. Jonathan Stockstill- i jus think its cool how he has a twitter

7. Brittney Spears- just cuz her life amazes me

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger- cuz hes a actor turned governor

9. Shaq- hes awesome

10.Lance Armstrong- he inspires me 2 achieve my goals

11.Will Ferell- hes always in these crazy movies

12.Chuck Norris- awesome actor

13.Ashton Kutcher- hilarious!!!

14.Demi Moore- cuz shes mrs. kutcher

15.Bon Qui Qui(anjelah johnson)- love her 2 death

16.Miley Cyrus- cuz shes 2 people, doesnt get any better than that

17.Katie Couric- a very good anchorwoman

18.Martha Stewart- cuz she makes cool stuff on her show

19.Ryan Seacrest- in my opinion the best talk show host

20.Anderson Cooper- CNN is awesome,duh

21.Al Gore- former VP

22.David Letterman- tries 2 funny, corny humor

23.Tom Cruise- Cuz hes a good actor nd hes funny

24.Alexis Blackwell- Cuz she went to BCS

25. Me- cuz im cool, lol

Twitter Addict??

1. What is TWITTER?
a website 2 help u keep up w/ wats goin on around u, w/ celebs and watever u want to know really.
2. Who uses it?
ME, my friends, celeb, the PREZ, news anchors, many people.
3. Why do you think they use it?
Because it is a new wave in technology and because its a god way to keep in touch or keep the public informed.
4. Why is it important? (or do you even think it's important)
it could be important to some, but to me its not a priority its just fun.
5. Who are some interesting people that use twitter?
The president, J.Bowles, ect..
6. What is your take on the whole "twitter" phenomenon sweeping across the nation?
i thnk its cool. to me twitter's awesome. I LOVE IT. ♥


Back In SK00L

yay..im back in NP. This is very exciting. i like!! & im a S3NI0R!!