About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


Twitter Addict??

1. What is TWITTER?
a website 2 help u keep up w/ wats goin on around u, w/ celebs and watever u want to know really.
2. Who uses it?
ME, my friends, celeb, the PREZ, news anchors, many people.
3. Why do you think they use it?
Because it is a new wave in technology and because its a god way to keep in touch or keep the public informed.
4. Why is it important? (or do you even think it's important)
it could be important to some, but to me its not a priority its just fun.
5. Who are some interesting people that use twitter?
The president, J.Bowles, ect..
6. What is your take on the whole "twitter" phenomenon sweeping across the nation?
i thnk its cool. to me twitter's awesome. I LOVE IT. ♥

1 comment:

  1. new wave of technology? i most definitely
    agree with you. && i also don't think its a priority either.
