About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


Who You Should Follow??

1. Mr. President- cuz hes the prez, duh!

2. J. Bowles- hes always talking about the radomest stuff (if thats a word)

3. Rev. Run- he has inspirational quotes, real life stuff. makes u think.

4. Will Smith- he is a awesome actor, love him!!

5. Nicholas Cage- National Treasure 1&2, y not follow him??

6. Jonathan Stockstill- i jus think its cool how he has a twitter

7. Brittney Spears- just cuz her life amazes me

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger- cuz hes a actor turned governor

9. Shaq- hes awesome

10.Lance Armstrong- he inspires me 2 achieve my goals

11.Will Ferell- hes always in these crazy movies

12.Chuck Norris- awesome actor

13.Ashton Kutcher- hilarious!!!

14.Demi Moore- cuz shes mrs. kutcher

15.Bon Qui Qui(anjelah johnson)- love her 2 death

16.Miley Cyrus- cuz shes 2 people, doesnt get any better than that

17.Katie Couric- a very good anchorwoman

18.Martha Stewart- cuz she makes cool stuff on her show

19.Ryan Seacrest- in my opinion the best talk show host

20.Anderson Cooper- CNN is awesome,duh

21.Al Gore- former VP

22.David Letterman- tries 2 funny, corny humor

23.Tom Cruise- Cuz hes a good actor nd hes funny

24.Alexis Blackwell- Cuz she went to BCS

25. Me- cuz im cool, lol

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