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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


Krazy Hotel Stays

a. Berlin's Propeller Island City Lodge:
~The 1st room is made to look like a brightly painted medieval town, with an ultra-mini golf course surrounding the castle bed. Another has furniture attached to the ceiling, another has coffins for beds, and still another has lion cages on stilts. HOW COOL IS THAT??
b. Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands
~Okay so this place is awesome. It used to hold 19,333 bottles of wine. Now the oak barrels have 2 narrow beds w/ a sittin aarea outside....wow!!
c. Hang Na Guest House in Vietnam
~So they nicknamed this place the Crazy House...perferct name. It has different animal patterns in each room..then it has concrete tree houses..?? dont ask!some things you are better off not knowing
d. Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica
~This hotel is made to look like you "crashed in a jet plane." The inside is decorated accordingly. Who wouldnt want to stay in a plane for a while??
e. Capsule Hotel in the Netherlands
f. Grand Daddy in Cape Town
~This hotel has a surprise on its roof,one in my opinion should have never been though of: a fleet of seven Airstream trailers, six of which were imported from the U.S. The aluminum-clad "rooms," which sleep two people, have been done in playful themes that incorporate icons like "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."

4. Which one would you want to stay at and why? What else could you visit while you were in that city?
~ I would want to stay in Hotel de Vrouwe in the Netherlands. Not because people used to get drunk in that same building Ms. Melancon..lol.
~Everything I could within my alloted time. I love to travel!!

Who: Anyone
What: can visit these hotels
When: whenever they get a chance. sooner than later.
Where: Berlin, the netherlands,Vietnam, Costa rica...etc.
Why: because it would be a awesome experience and because I said so..duh
How: Pack your clothes, get on a plane and go..just that simple..oh yeah you have to buy plane tickets!!

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