About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


JEM is truly OUTRAGEOUS!!!

"Jem is truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous. Jem, the music's contageous (outrageous) Jem is my name.. no one else is the same.Jem is my name!" Jem, known to be the best cartoon from the 80's, was based on the adventures of a goodie tooshoes band called Jem and the Hollograms. Jerrica,the main character and her alter ego Jem fought to save her father's record company, Starlight
Music, from the mean Eric Raymond. In order to save the company Jerrica becomes Jem using her holographic earrings and her father's machine named Synergy.
Later she and her sisters Kimber, Aja, and Shana join together to become the world famous Jem and the Holograms. While taking over the entertainment world the Holograms oversee the Starlight house for girls, and stay on top of the fashion trends. Always getting in their way, the Misfits try and stop the Holograms from getting to the top. The drama never ends for the Holograms as they sing and dance their way through the 8o's.
Jem is considered to be one of the best cartoons of the 80's. If you were just walking down the street singig her theme song, at least one person will start to sing with you. Also, the girls of this show kept up with the latest fashions. They sought "music,fashion and fame." Jem was truly, truly, truly outrageous!


Project Rescue

What is the purpose of project rescue?
-To help girls who have been forced
into trafficking.
b) What does Project Rescue DO?
- They help the young girls by giving them a place to stay so they dont have to do that anymore. they give them a alternate way of life.
c) What can YOU do to help?
-Learn about the issue and tell others about it.
-donate some moo-la.


who: people
what: a game where your main goal is to beat time
when: whenever
where: @www.barbonte

my thoughts:
cool. now i have a bigger vocab..lol..love new words. But it was also kind of hard because you actually have to think.


Who: Demolition City Makers
What: Game
When: Whenever
Where: @ www.physicsgames.net
Why: cuz its fun
How: log on and follow instructions

My thoughts:
umm..that was cool. I already love physics so that made even more fun!
Maybe Mr. Moland will give it to us for homework..20 points. haha



Toms is a pretty cool organization. If you buy a pair of toms shoes, your money goes towards people in need. So not only are you supporting your own two feet, you are helping out someone else. How awesome is that. Plus they have pretty cool styles. Im sure you will like them.

Lisa Ling

Lisa Ling's sister, Laura Ling, was captured in North Korea with fellow journalist Euna Lee. Many strangers on Facebook became her friend. They kept positive outlooks and told her to do the same. Many people also left comments saying they were praying for her. They helped Lisa through a painful time.

My thoughts:
wow. that story is so sad but still touching. There are good peoplle out there in the world. hmmnn

Betterworlds Books

It was founded in 2002 by three students from University of Notre Dame. It is a business with a mission to promote literacy by collecting and selling books.They collect books from 1,600 college campuses and partnerships with nearly 1,000 libraries nationwide. Every book purchased from Better World Books contributes to individual literacy throughout the world and the promise of a better life. Their prices are affordable, so anyone can contribute to this cause.


Candii--$tand [painters puzzle]

who: me
what: played the game
when: today
where: @ www. http://www.candystand.com/play/copy-cat-a-painters-puzzle
why: cuz my teach said so..lol
how: went to the site

my thoughts: okay that was kind of hard to do.. but it was fun!!

Twecipi {chicken}

who: anyone can use it
what: type in some ingredients from a recipe and it will give you the recipe
when: whenever
where: @ www.twecipe.com
why: to get a recipe so you can cook
how: type away.press enter

my thoughts: okay...that is pretty tight


If you type in something..you can find it on twitter!!! how awesome is that!

who: anybody
what: find it on twitter
when: whenever
where: @ www.wordnik.com
why: because its pretty cool
how: just type it in on the website and will direct you


Twitter Pets!

who: peoples pets
what: a website that lets you upload your pets pictures and others can vote on the cutest
when: whenever they want to upload them
where: @ www.twtpets.com
why: because they think theyre cute....think...
how: click on the link that says upload

-Used for:Its designed for people who have no life
-People who use it: Have no life and nothing to do with their time



who: many people
what: sandwhiches like you'll never believe
where: @ www.insanewhiches.com
how: people make them and upload them

my thoughts:
OMGoodness. this website is so cool. i never would have thought people would have nothing better to do with their lives.So awesome!I'M grateful they dont.



who: anonymous
what: the history behind boomboxes
where: boombox museum.com
why: because its pretty cool and ppl need to know
how: go to the website

my thoughts:
i miss them. it was cool to see people walk around with boomboxes on their shoulders

KDW Challenge

who: people
what: enjoying their wild racecar ride they were basically dared to do it
when: whenever they did it
why:because they were chellenged to



who: animals
what: tells information that you may not have known before
where: @ www.ispotbeta.com


Fave Pics

who: lifelike toys-people who make them
what: a website that shows the awesome toys
when: when you go look at them..lol
where: @ www.thephotoargus.com
why: because they are cool




Games and Stories

-Hurricane House-

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
-it would show kids how to prepare for a hurrican to an extent.
b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not?
-yes the little kids because its fun and a learning experience

-Disaster Maze-

a. How could this game help educate kids about hurricanes?
-it doesnt
b. Would you recommend that schools along the Gulf Coast have their kids play this game? Why or why not?
-no..it did nothing to educate the kids

A. Iraq "shoe thrower"

who: Iraqi Journalist
what: threw his shoes at geaorge. w bush, but was released from prison early
when: tuesday
where: baghdad
why: he says he was being tortured
how: umm..they let him out.lol

B.Elton John..Adopting??

who:elton john nd ukrainian boy
what: wants 2 adopt him but he cant
when: ASAP
where: ukraine
why: because"i lost my heart to him"/because he isnt married and too old

-Pirates & Ships?-

who:somali pirates and hostages
when:august 09
where: somalia
why: cuz theyre pirates n its wat they do..!!
how: highjacked ship

-Patrick Swayze-

who:Patrick Swayze
when:sep. 14 2009
where:at home
how:from pancreatic cancer


3dheads assignments

1. Cell Phone:
First, I just want to say that this is a very random website. Like who comes up with this stuff? Anyway, i enjoyed it. I love the way the numbers dont even fit on the phone. So hilarious. The old people didnt even like my phone! One lady said she wanted one more techno looking..what??!!
2. Brain Surgery:
Now that was really fun! It took forever though. I didnt realize how long the process actually takes. i laughed so hard when i made the incinsions and blood squirted everywhere! so awesome. loved it!!
3.Crash Scene:
I love figuring things out and this game helped me do that.
4.Virtual Hip Resurfacing:
that was fun! it said im a natural. And ofcourse there was blood...yes!!
5.Virtual Hip Replacement:
thtat was okay..felt like ive done that before..lol
6.The Odd Machine:
machines, machines, machines...physics forces engeneering...math! ugh!
7.Virtual Knee Surgery:
yay!! my favorite..stitches and staples!
Predict the weather..was awesome. guessed my way throught the whole thing. fake it till you make it.


Kidz Korner!

Keesh Keesh

What It Is!!
Hey kidz!! Its Keesh Keesh. I want to welcome all of you back to school for another awesome year and an even better newspaper aka The Lions Roar. Now, let me just let fill yall in on what kidz korner actually is. Kidz Korner is the ONE and ONLY page dedicated to just kidz!! That would be yall, including the adults who are kidz at heart. This is a special page because it is loaded with many fun things to do, read and laugh at. I hope ya’ll like this years Kidz Korner. Below, there are jokes, poetry, a coloring page and a kidz craft. ENJOY!!


-Why was Cinderella kicked out of the basketball team?
Because she ran away from the ball.

- why couldn’t Cinderella use horse to pull the pumpkin coach?
B/c they were to busy playing (s)table tennis.


What do you call a rabbit who tells jokes?
----a funny bunny

What do you call a fake horse?
--a phony pony

What do you call a platter of worms?
--a bait plate

What do you call a planetarium in the basement?
---a stellar cellar

What do you call a piece of wood with nothing to do?
---a board bored

What flower lays down in the flower bed?
---a lazy daisy

What do you call a seed of corn planted at night?
--a nocturnal kernel

What do you call a church credit card?
-- Ecclesiastic plastic

What do you call a champion's banquet?
-- a winner dinner

What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?
---whatever you want, he cant hear you. (http://www.azkidsnet.com/riddles.htm)


New Rules
If I ran the school, I would change lots of things.
The lunchroom would serve lots of hot chicken wings.
The school everyday would be started at two,
and we would go home with no homework to do.
There would be no holes in my discipline card,
and kids would be punished with play in the yard.
I would let the kids teach while the teachers took naps.
Kids could blab on forever and eat ginger snaps.
And teachers who burp would be sent to “the loft”;
there would be no exceptions ‘cause students aren’t soft.
Because they’re depressed, give your teachers a hug.
But watch out, because you might be squished like a bug.

Kidz craft:

Homemade Locker Magnet
Spruce up the inside of your locker this year with a homemade magnet. You can create this locker magnet by using stuff you already have, like CDs and construction paper. Personalize it by using a picture of your pet or your best friend. Be creative and add your own designs with other supplies you have at home!

Old CD
Construction paper
3 round magnets
Photos of your pet or best friends
Optional: glitter glue, jewels, stickers, ribbon, buttons, etc.


1. Cut different colors of construction paper into tiny squares.

2. Spread glue on the shiny side of your old CD.

3. Arrange construction paper on the glue.

4. Trim your photo to fit on the CD and glue in place.

5. Use glitter glue to decorate your new frame.

6. Allow to dry completely.

7. Glue magnets to the back of the CD.

8. Let dry.

9. Hang in your locker or on your fridge at home.

Text by National Geographic Kids staff
Photograph by Lyssa White


-Happy News- :)

Volunteer Collects 100,000 Cans to Raise 19 Smiles!!

George Ouellette,retired after 40 years as a salesman,still works up to six or seven hours per day walking through parks, hillsides, along busy roads and even rummaging through garbage cans to collect cans and bottles to help create smiles for children in need. The 84-year-old collects enough cans and bottles to equal $250, reimbursable for five-cents each at the local recycling center, and then writes a check to Operation Smile for the full amount.Since 2005, Ouellette has collected over 100,000 cans, raising a total of $4,440 and providing 19 surgeries for children suffering from clefts. He collects around 1,000 cans a week year-round.

Da Dictionary Definition

1. Fecund:Intellectually productive or inventive.
2. arcane: understood or known by only a few.
3. peradventure: chance, uncertainty, or doubt.
4. cynosure: a center of attention.
5. luminary: any body that gives light; also, a person of eminence or brilliant achievement.
6. furtive: obtained or characterized by stealth; sly; secret; stealthy.
7. celerity: quickness; swiftness.
8. truckle: to act in a subservient manner.
9. rictus: a gaping grin or grimace.
10.saturnine: sluggish in temperament; gloomy; taciturn

Puns n Such

1. I could not pull out of my parking space, so I used my back up plan.
2. It became clear that some of the librarian's best abilities were put on the shelf.
B-ron - Edmonton
3. I got angry when my cell phone battery died. My counselor suggested I find an outlet.
Gabe - Seattle WA
4. They were the quietest burglars in the history of New York City. The newspapers called them 'Criminal Mimes.'
JA - Houston
5. The beauty queen is unhappy about her upcoming foreign tour. She will miss America.
SGT Snorkel - Iowa
6. An ex-sailor prefers to forget the days he spent playing cards in submarines, dismissing them as 'so much bridge under the water'.
7. Kobe Bryant is a terrible fisherman because he always gets nothing but net.
DZ - Everson
8. I've been to the dentist several times so I know the drill.
Maurice - Greensboro, NC
9. They called him the king of the dentists because he specialized in crowns.
10. For a while, Houdini used a lot of trap doors in his act, but he was just going through a stage.
Doug the Pun-isher