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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


3dheads assignments

1. Cell Phone:
First, I just want to say that this is a very random website. Like who comes up with this stuff? Anyway, i enjoyed it. I love the way the numbers dont even fit on the phone. So hilarious. The old people didnt even like my phone! One lady said she wanted one more techno looking..what??!!
2. Brain Surgery:
Now that was really fun! It took forever though. I didnt realize how long the process actually takes. i laughed so hard when i made the incinsions and blood squirted everywhere! so awesome. loved it!!
3.Crash Scene:
I love figuring things out and this game helped me do that.
4.Virtual Hip Resurfacing:
that was fun! it said im a natural. And ofcourse there was blood...yes!!
5.Virtual Hip Replacement:
thtat was okay..felt like ive done that before..lol
6.The Odd Machine:
machines, machines, machines...physics forces engeneering...math! ugh!
7.Virtual Knee Surgery:
yay!! my favorite..stitches and staples!
Predict the weather..was awesome. guessed my way throught the whole thing. fake it till you make it.

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