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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


America's Past

America's Past

-Ok well obviously I wasnt born then..lol..but ive definately learned a lot of things from the past. Including things I may not have wanted to know. Unfortunately America has been involved in many wars and many people have died because of this. Still today the U.S. are at war (war on terror). Although the Army is fighting for a very good cause, more and more peole are losing their lives which means that more and more families are getting shorter.
-Also good things have come out of the past. Martin Luther found out the truth for himself and took a stand about it. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood up for his people and eventually brought peace throughout the world. Without people like these, America just wouldnt be America.So as we can see things from america's past has most definately affected americas present. From war, to truth, to peace. America is AWESOME!!

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