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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.


November Stories (kidz korner)

Hand turkey Picture

kidz korner coloring page

kidz korner pic

Kidz Devo

Plasm 100:4
4) "Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name"
- This basically means that when when we are in God's presence never forget to thank Him. He has done so much for us, things that we dont even deserve that thanking Him is the least we can do. There is nothing we can do without Him, therefore, all praise honor and glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ. All of it.

-what do you call a man always wiring for money (An electrician)
-where were english kings usually crowned? (on the head)
-how do you keep a skunk from smelling (plug his nose)
- whats the best way to prevent infection from biting insects. (dont bite them)
-where was Solomons temple? (on the side of his head)
-which American president wore the largest hat? (the one with the biggest head)
-life is tough, but what can you always count on? (your fingers)
-what goes up and never comes down? (your age)

- what do you calla duck with all "A"s (a wise quaker)
- what promise did Adam and Eve make after they were kicked of the garden? (they promised to turn over a new leaf)
-why do birds fly south? (too far to walk)
-if the red house is on the left, and the blue house is on the right, then what is the location of the white house? (washington dc)
-what animal can fly higher than a house? (all of them, houses dont fly)
-which is correct? yolks of eggs are white, or yolks of eggs is white? (neither, egg yolks arent white)
-what time is is when your clock strikes 13? (time to either get it fixed or get a new clock)
-what did cenderella say when her pictures didnt come? (someday my prints will come)

Poet's Korner

More Than A Day

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more
Than they sell in a store,
We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.

So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.
Enjoy what you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make all your cares go away.

By Karl Fuchs

Kidz Kraft

By Jennifer Claerr

eHow Contributing Writer

Article Rating: (2 Ratings)
Make a Thanksgiving Handprint Turkey CraftTo create this handprint turkey, make a tracing or print of your child's hand and use it as the turkey's feathers. The crafts can be used as place settings for children on Thanksgiving day. If you're making this project with a group of children, such as a church group or an elementary school class, have each child make one to keep as a memento. Or, let the kids use the turkeys to put on a puppet show on Thanksgiving.
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.Difficulty: EasyInstructions.Things You'll Need:
•2 toilet paper rolls
•Construction paper
•Craft glue
•Paint brush
1Place some newspaper down on a clean, clear work surface. Put a piece of white construction paper down on the paper and trace your child's hand with a pencil.

2Put some water in a disposable cup and wet the paintbrush. Dip the brush in watercolors or craft paint and apply color within the hand tracing. Another option is to spread several different colored finger paints on your child's hand and have him press his palm down on the paper. Cut out the handprint once it has dried.

3Draw the turkey's parts on pieces of construction paper. Make circles on white and black construction paper for the eyes and eyeballs. Make a triangle and two three-toed triangular feet on yellow construction paper. Make the same shape as the feet on red construction paper for the gobbler. Cut out the pieces and set them aside.

4Cut one toilet paper roll in half. Cut a piece of orange construction paper to fit and wrap it around this roll. Cut another piece of orange construction paper to fit around the whole toilet paper roll. Attach the construction paper to the rolls with staples. Staple the two rolls together, the small one on top of the large one.

5Staple the handprint to the back of the main body of the turkey craft. Attach the feet, gobbler, beak, eyes and eyeballs to the turkey with craft glue. Allow the craft to dry completely before displaying it. Write the name of a guest on each handprint turkey and set it at the top of each place setting behind the drinks.

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