About Me

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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



Hi, my name is Holly Jolly Rancher and I'm just going to clue you in on my life. Well, I was born in Sweden on January 13th 1983. I have a older brother, and a younger sister. I grew up in Baton Rouge, La. and later moved to Australia.
When I was younger, I loved school, mostly because I always skipped, but the teachers didnt take roll so they never knew and I never got in trouble. AHH..that was the life. Okay, I bet you're wondering how in the world could I have skipped school and still be successful. Well let me give answer that question. I am the smartest person on Earth. Duh..that's the only way. So now that that's over with, when I was only 13 I started attending Louisiana State University to major in Biochemistry. I went on to medical school in Atlanta Georgia to become a Pediatrician. Yes, so many years in school, but I guess that makes up for all the other years I skipped school. Hmm.. karma I guess.
While attending college I met the love of my life (aka my hubby as we say down south where i was born..duh) His name is Ralph Lauren. One day, I was walking on campus and I dropped my books. Ofcourse he came to assist me, that's how it always happens in the movies. Well it's reality for me. So dont be hatin. Anyway, I love him and that;s all you need to know.
Now I have two boys and a girl. Their names are Kade Jr., Kasper, and Katelyn. They go to the same school I went to. It amazes me how some of the same teachers are there. Oh well. They are some awesome children, hopefully they carry on my legacy. Well at least not the skipping school part because no one is as smart as me.

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