About Me

My photo
writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



Hi, my name is Holly Jolly Rancher and I'm just going to clue you in on my life. Well, I was born in Sweden on January 13th 1983. I have a older brother, and a younger sister. I grew up in Baton Rouge, La. and later moved to Australia.
When I was younger, I loved school, mostly because I always skipped, but the teachers didnt take roll so they never knew and I never got in trouble. AHH..that was the life. Okay, I bet you're wondering how in the world could I have skipped school and still be successful. Well let me give answer that question. I am the smartest person on Earth. Duh..that's the only way. So now that that's over with, when I was only 13 I started attending Louisiana State University to major in Biochemistry. I went on to medical school in Atlanta Georgia to become a Pediatrician. Yes, so many years in school, but I guess that makes up for all the other years I skipped school. Hmm.. karma I guess.
While attending college I met the love of my life (aka my hubby as we say down south where i was born..duh) His name is Ralph Lauren. One day, I was walking on campus and I dropped my books. Ofcourse he came to assist me, that's how it always happens in the movies. Well it's reality for me. So dont be hatin. Anyway, I love him and that;s all you need to know.
Now I have two boys and a girl. Their names are Kade Jr., Kasper, and Katelyn. They go to the same school I went to. It amazes me how some of the same teachers are there. Oh well. They are some awesome children, hopefully they carry on my legacy. Well at least not the skipping school part because no one is as smart as me.


NP Stories

Kidz craft picture

The Cross (with the jesus vs santa story)

Kidz coloring page

Kidz Devotional

Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

So kidz it is better to give than to receive. If you focus on making others fel loved by giing them gifts you will feel better about yourselves! I promise! God Bless!
Love, Keesh Keesh

Why Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus

Santa lives at the North Pole - JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh - JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year - JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies - JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited ....
JESUS stands at your door and knocks, and then enters your heart.
You have to wait in line to see Santa ...
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap - JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, what's your name?" ...
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name, He knows our address, too.
He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly - JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO - JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry" - JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you."
Santa's little helpers make toys ...
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but - JESUS gives you joy! that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree - JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas, Jesus is still the reason for the season.
Yes, Jesus is better, even better than Santa Claus.
Merry CHRISTmas!!!

-Author Unknown-


Kidz Poem

The Gift of God

There was seen a radiance
Glowing one night
Near the little maiden Mary
In blue and white.

"Lilies are not fairer,
"Roses more red,
Than the Child she sings to slumber,"
An angel said.

So the shepherds ventured
Through the white cold,
And their eyes beheld the Infant,
An hour old.

Long they gazed and wondered,
Awkward in awe,
At the paramount perfection
Within their straw.

"Diamonds are but trifles!
"Rubies no gem!"
Cried the hearts that slaved for pittance
Near Bethlehem.

So it was forever,
After the night
When the little maiden Mary
Wore blue and white.


Christmas Jokes

What is the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?
-has no L(Noel)

What Christmas Carol is a favorite of parents?
-silent night

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
-frosted flakes


kidz craft:

Wreath Photo Ornament
By: Amanda Formaro

What you'll need:
Miniature grapevine wreath
School photo
Red or green cardstock
Pen or pencil
White craft glue
Sequins or small colorful beads
6" piece of yarn

How to make it:
Place grapevine wreath on top of cardstock and roughly trace around wreath.
Cut the circle out, making sure it's big enough to cover the back, but not so large that it hangs over the edge of the wreath.
Glue the grapevine wreath to the cardstock circle.
Cut the school photo into a circle and glue to the cardstock.
Glue looped yarn to the back of the wreath.
Decorate front of the wreath with beads or sequins.

Have Fun!!



50 np ideas......december

1. xmas is not taking Christ out of Christmas
2. encouragement column
3. sport stats
4. have a teacher contribute smething each issue
5. some important local news
6. bethany church news
7. how to decorate ur room 4 xmas
8. study tips
9. clothing
10.surviving the freshman year...
11. do it yourself
12. mazes
13. story column
14. something you didnt know about me is....
15. take surveys of the most liked things out of students at bethany
16. health corner
17. question of the month
18. crossword puzzle with the reindeers names in them
19. history of Christmas
20. history of st. nick
21. Christmas around the world
22. difference betwenn christmas, hannakuh, kwanza..
23. submit poetry/lyrics
24. create a story!-fake story
25. trivia
26. what not to eat
27. places to visit
28. comedy
29. places to eat out
30. connect health to real life
31. studies prove that hugs can help improve blood flow
32. twitter addict?
33. Texting: A School Benefit??
34. how to write
35. how to draw
36. embarassing moment
37. teacher who??
38. crazy new technologies
39. poll..is technology taking over the world?
40. has technology gone to far?
41. christmas recipes
42. birthstones and meanings
43. flower of the month-representation
44. color of the month-meaning
45. comic strip
46. have joanna draw a picture
47. afraid?
48. demerits written and turned in over a weeks period
49. lost and found "closet" sale
50. favorite teacher.

Americas Future

America's Future

-Well i really dont know what america's future is going to be like,but i have some pretty good guesses. Lets just say technology takes over the world. Cars that can elevate themselves (look at the picture!) Phones that we can put over our eyes and see the person we are talking to. A phone that you wear on your wrist.
-If thats not a TECHNOLOGY-TAKE-OVER (TTO) then i dont know what is. I mean we already have push to start vehicles. Next we are going to have ones tht drive themselves and talk to us. WOW!! That would be cool. Just imagine what the cityscapes are going to look like. amazing. THANK YOU JETSONS!!


America's Present

America's Present

-The present the present. Hmmnn.I like the present because I'm alive and I can witness all kinds of things. I beleive that America is headed in a good direction so far. The economy is getting better and people are finding jobs again. Things are looking up for the future.
-OMG! Technology is getting kind of crazy. It's taking over life as we once knew it. We have things to read to us (aka kendals). I mean i know how to read i dont need a audible narrator. I dont know technology is cool but when does it go too far?

America's Past

America's Past

-Ok well obviously I wasnt born then..lol..but ive definately learned a lot of things from the past. Including things I may not have wanted to know. Unfortunately America has been involved in many wars and many people have died because of this. Still today the U.S. are at war (war on terror). Although the Army is fighting for a very good cause, more and more peole are losing their lives which means that more and more families are getting shorter.
-Also good things have come out of the past. Martin Luther found out the truth for himself and took a stand about it. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood up for his people and eventually brought peace throughout the world. Without people like these, America just wouldnt be America.So as we can see things from america's past has most definately affected americas present. From war, to truth, to peace. America is AWESOME!!


The Life and Legacy of Barack Obama

President Obama, born Barack Hussein Obama, came into this world on August 4th, 1961, in Honolulu Hawaii. He is multi-racial, but still down to earth. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was born in Nayanza Province, Kenya of Luo ethnicity. His caucasuian mother, Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas.

Obama's life wasn't always filled with the glitz and glamour he faces today. When he was a young boy, he helped his father herd goats for the British, whom his father was a domestic servant to. His parents seperated and later divorced when he was only two years old.

His father went to Harvard to pursue a Ph D. then returned to Kenya. Later his mother remarried Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia and in 1967 moved to Jakarta, where classes were taught in Indonesian. In 1971, when Obama was ten he moved back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He was taught at Punahou Academy, where he graduated with honors in fifth grade. He was only one of three other African-Americans. At this school is when he first started to experience racism. It was hard for him to grasp his culture and race due to the fact that he only saw his father once after his parents divorced.

After he got his diploma, he atended Occidental College in Las Angeles for two years. He then transfered to Columbia University in New York where he graduated in 1983 with a degree in political science. The time spent between his college graduation and his first Harvard semester did not go to waste. He worked at at "Business International Corporation (a company that provided international business information to corporate clients) and NYPIRG, Obama moved to Chicago in 1985. There, he worked as a community organizer with low-income residents in Chicago's Roseland community and the Altgeld Gardens public housing development on the city's South Side."


Obama Pictures

Props and Videos...

a. Teamwork: working together is the key to everything ezpecially if we want to succeed.
b. Creativity: okay so this is my favorite part because i love making stuff up. Plus me and jasmine make a great team cuz we are both crazy...and thats all im going to say about that.
c. Deadline: The most important thing ever but sometimes very hard to meet. sometimes we have to sacrifice a "scene" because the deadline wont let us come up with what we want but thats ok.
d. Public Speaking: you have got to be LOUD if people cant hear you, they get bored..and then basically , you could have just spared them.
e. Communication: another important factor int his industry. you have to be able to communicate with your audience because if you cant then they wont even listen to you anymore.


November Stories (kidz korner)

Hand turkey Picture

kidz korner coloring page

kidz korner pic

Kidz Devo

Plasm 100:4
4) "Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name"
- This basically means that when when we are in God's presence never forget to thank Him. He has done so much for us, things that we dont even deserve that thanking Him is the least we can do. There is nothing we can do without Him, therefore, all praise honor and glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ. All of it.

-what do you call a man always wiring for money (An electrician)
-where were english kings usually crowned? (on the head)
-how do you keep a skunk from smelling (plug his nose)
- whats the best way to prevent infection from biting insects. (dont bite them)
-where was Solomons temple? (on the side of his head)
-which American president wore the largest hat? (the one with the biggest head)
-life is tough, but what can you always count on? (your fingers)
-what goes up and never comes down? (your age)

- what do you calla duck with all "A"s (a wise quaker)
- what promise did Adam and Eve make after they were kicked of the garden? (they promised to turn over a new leaf)
-why do birds fly south? (too far to walk)
-if the red house is on the left, and the blue house is on the right, then what is the location of the white house? (washington dc)
-what animal can fly higher than a house? (all of them, houses dont fly)
-which is correct? yolks of eggs are white, or yolks of eggs is white? (neither, egg yolks arent white)
-what time is is when your clock strikes 13? (time to either get it fixed or get a new clock)
-what did cenderella say when her pictures didnt come? (someday my prints will come)

Poet's Korner

More Than A Day

As Thanksgiving Day rolls around,
It brings up some facts, quite profound.
We have friends and family we love;
We have guidance from heaven above.
We have so much more
Than they sell in a store,
We're wealthy, when push comes to shove.

So add up your blessings, I say;
Make Thanksgiving last more than a day.
Enjoy what you've got;
Realize it's a lot,
And you'll make all your cares go away.

By Karl Fuchs

Kidz Kraft

By Jennifer Claerr

eHow Contributing Writer

Article Rating: (2 Ratings)
Make a Thanksgiving Handprint Turkey CraftTo create this handprint turkey, make a tracing or print of your child's hand and use it as the turkey's feathers. The crafts can be used as place settings for children on Thanksgiving day. If you're making this project with a group of children, such as a church group or an elementary school class, have each child make one to keep as a memento. Or, let the kids use the turkeys to put on a puppet show on Thanksgiving.
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.Difficulty: EasyInstructions.Things You'll Need:
•2 toilet paper rolls
•Construction paper
•Craft glue
•Paint brush
1Place some newspaper down on a clean, clear work surface. Put a piece of white construction paper down on the paper and trace your child's hand with a pencil.

2Put some water in a disposable cup and wet the paintbrush. Dip the brush in watercolors or craft paint and apply color within the hand tracing. Another option is to spread several different colored finger paints on your child's hand and have him press his palm down on the paper. Cut out the handprint once it has dried.

3Draw the turkey's parts on pieces of construction paper. Make circles on white and black construction paper for the eyes and eyeballs. Make a triangle and two three-toed triangular feet on yellow construction paper. Make the same shape as the feet on red construction paper for the gobbler. Cut out the pieces and set them aside.

4Cut one toilet paper roll in half. Cut a piece of orange construction paper to fit and wrap it around this roll. Cut another piece of orange construction paper to fit around the whole toilet paper roll. Attach the construction paper to the rolls with staples. Staple the two rolls together, the small one on top of the large one.

5Staple the handprint to the back of the main body of the turkey craft. Attach the feet, gobbler, beak, eyes and eyeballs to the turkey with craft glue. Allow the craft to dry completely before displaying it. Write the name of a guest on each handprint turkey and set it at the top of each place setting behind the drinks.





80s phrases

1. bonkers, bonks you out.
2. bubble yum keeps it poppin
3. did i do that??
4. fer sure
5. howdee
6. mama mia
7. o-tay
8. wah wah wah
9. whats up doc??
10.'why don tyou marry it'


1. how to caref ro a diabetic cat
2. how to catch snakes
3. how to find costumes for 5 dollars
4. how to avoid getting split ends
5. how to remove a booger from your finger
6. how to make your own homemaid wax to remove hair
7. how to start grieving when your spouse leaves
8. how to leave someone
9. how to make friends
10.how to meet guys on campus...hmmm..lol



1. how to lessen your carbon footprint while traveling
2. how to politely get rid of dinner guests
3. how to survive family holiday renunions
4. how to deal with a difficult roomate
5. how to get more friends on e-how
6. how to keep a hater at bay
7. how to clean a comb without combing it
8. how to enjoy toilets around the world
9. how to play the guitar
10.how to broaden your music horizons


Mr. Miyagi: 'No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher. Teacher say, student do. '
The Karate Kid is basically about an underdog striving for victory. Daniel, the main character, gets beat up almost every day. He gets so tired of that happening to him, he eventually resorts to a karate teacher. The karate teacher, Miyagi, was also the janitor at Daniels school. Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel how to defend himself properly. Daniel thought that karate was just about fighting or getting trained to fight but Miyagi showed him otherwise. The Karate Kid is an awesome movie. It got great reviews from numerous places. It also has many sequels and remakes, such as Kung Fu Kid. This movie can teach young children character traits that they will need to know in life. It also can teach them how to take correction and learn from their mistakes. So, if you havent seen the Karate Kid do your best to check it out as soon as possible.
Miyagi: We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions.



6-year old girl evicted??

-this little girl lives with her grandparents in retirement community because her mother is on drugs. the retirement community's bilaw states tht u have to be 55+ to live there. the community wants them to move out and if not, they believe the girl should be placed in foster care. isnt the whole goal of government to bring families together when in essence they are going to be breaking them up. i know the law of the community matters but what matters more??

Micheal Jackson

-they just went to far. i mean yeah hes a a celeb and all but come on hes a real person too. putting his will out was way to personal and it invaded the privacy of he and his family.


Declaration of Independence

1. How are the core values of American democracy incorporated into the Declaration?
-- they are stated, then explained.
2. Throughout these core values, the relationship between citizen and government is described. What responsibilities does the government have to honoring these core values? What responsibilities do individual citizens have to preserve these core values?
a) they are to secure those rights.
b) if the government fails, then we have the right to abolish or alter it
3. How might some or all of these core values be important to the preservation of a free and independent press?
--freedom of speech: if we didnt have this, we couldnt print NP's like we want to.lol

4. Identify the core values of American constitutional democracy that allow private citizens to collect, edit and further distribute information to others and how the values help drive these actions.
--we are a diverse nation therefore we arent set on one type of race or opinion.
5. What responsibilities do producers of information have to these core values and their fellow citizens when distributing information?
--"...we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."


My Barnes and Noble Experience!

First of all, it's Barnes and Noble. If you dont love it, then you have a problem. Barnes and Noble is awesome!! They sell any type of books or magazine you want. They sell music too.There is a very wide range of books. Mystery to biographies. The magazine section of B&N is pretty cool too. It has magazines for all types of people. Sports, Fashion, History, Animals, ect! You can never get bored here.
To be honest though,I didnt know they sell DVDs or games there.
I never really payed attention to all of that, I jus go for the books. That just goes to show you how amazing B&N is. They have many board games to choose from. Plus, they have a cafe'. Cappuccinos, mochas,hot chocolate...and of course water, is sold there to accomodate anyone. You can never go thirsty if you're at B&N!!
Okay, so by now you are probably thinking that yeah this is a pretty cool place. But wait, it gets even better!! If you are a member at B&N, you can get great discounts!!! With your membership card you can get 40% off bestselling hardbacks, and 20% off of all adult hardbacks, and 10% off pretty much anything else.
So how's that for awesome. Also,if you go upstairs then look straight across the balcony, you will see a mural of authors. Hemingway, to name one of them, and many more classics.
So, B&N sounds like a pretty cool place to visit now doesnt it. You have to remember though, it is a bookstore so you cant have to much fun (even though I did). B&N is a place for you read, study or just relax, but most of the time you see students in study groups. I would go there more often if I had a car. (cough cough, mom and dad)I have to admit, adults and children thought I was crazy. I mean, who takes pictures in the bookstore?, and in the kids section at that? I guess only the students in Ms., Melancon's journalism class. Go and enjoy for yourself. You are bound to love it!!


JEM is truly OUTRAGEOUS!!!

"Jem is truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous. Jem, the music's contageous (outrageous) Jem is my name.. no one else is the same.Jem is my name!" Jem, known to be the best cartoon from the 80's, was based on the adventures of a goodie tooshoes band called Jem and the Hollograms. Jerrica,the main character and her alter ego Jem fought to save her father's record company, Starlight
Music, from the mean Eric Raymond. In order to save the company Jerrica becomes Jem using her holographic earrings and her father's machine named Synergy.
Later she and her sisters Kimber, Aja, and Shana join together to become the world famous Jem and the Holograms. While taking over the entertainment world the Holograms oversee the Starlight house for girls, and stay on top of the fashion trends. Always getting in their way, the Misfits try and stop the Holograms from getting to the top. The drama never ends for the Holograms as they sing and dance their way through the 8o's.
Jem is considered to be one of the best cartoons of the 80's. If you were just walking down the street singig her theme song, at least one person will start to sing with you. Also, the girls of this show kept up with the latest fashions. They sought "music,fashion and fame." Jem was truly, truly, truly outrageous!


Project Rescue

What is the purpose of project rescue?
-To help girls who have been forced
into trafficking.
b) What does Project Rescue DO?
- They help the young girls by giving them a place to stay so they dont have to do that anymore. they give them a alternate way of life.
c) What can YOU do to help?
-Learn about the issue and tell others about it.
-donate some moo-la.


who: people
what: a game where your main goal is to beat time
when: whenever
where: @www.barbonte

my thoughts:
cool. now i have a bigger vocab..lol..love new words. But it was also kind of hard because you actually have to think.


Who: Demolition City Makers
What: Game
When: Whenever
Where: @ www.physicsgames.net
Why: cuz its fun
How: log on and follow instructions

My thoughts:
umm..that was cool. I already love physics so that made even more fun!
Maybe Mr. Moland will give it to us for homework..20 points. haha



Toms is a pretty cool organization. If you buy a pair of toms shoes, your money goes towards people in need. So not only are you supporting your own two feet, you are helping out someone else. How awesome is that. Plus they have pretty cool styles. Im sure you will like them.

Lisa Ling

Lisa Ling's sister, Laura Ling, was captured in North Korea with fellow journalist Euna Lee. Many strangers on Facebook became her friend. They kept positive outlooks and told her to do the same. Many people also left comments saying they were praying for her. They helped Lisa through a painful time.

My thoughts:
wow. that story is so sad but still touching. There are good peoplle out there in the world. hmmnn

Betterworlds Books

It was founded in 2002 by three students from University of Notre Dame. It is a business with a mission to promote literacy by collecting and selling books.They collect books from 1,600 college campuses and partnerships with nearly 1,000 libraries nationwide. Every book purchased from Better World Books contributes to individual literacy throughout the world and the promise of a better life. Their prices are affordable, so anyone can contribute to this cause.


Candii--$tand [painters puzzle]

who: me
what: played the game
when: today
where: @ www. http://www.candystand.com/play/copy-cat-a-painters-puzzle
why: cuz my teach said so..lol
how: went to the site

my thoughts: okay that was kind of hard to do.. but it was fun!!

Twecipi {chicken}

who: anyone can use it
what: type in some ingredients from a recipe and it will give you the recipe
when: whenever
where: @ www.twecipe.com
why: to get a recipe so you can cook
how: type away.press enter

my thoughts: okay...that is pretty tight


If you type in something..you can find it on twitter!!! how awesome is that!

who: anybody
what: find it on twitter
when: whenever
where: @ www.wordnik.com
why: because its pretty cool
how: just type it in on the website and will direct you


Twitter Pets!

who: peoples pets
what: a website that lets you upload your pets pictures and others can vote on the cutest
when: whenever they want to upload them
where: @ www.twtpets.com
why: because they think theyre cute....think...
how: click on the link that says upload

-Used for:Its designed for people who have no life
-People who use it: Have no life and nothing to do with their time



who: many people
what: sandwhiches like you'll never believe
where: @ www.insanewhiches.com
how: people make them and upload them

my thoughts:
OMGoodness. this website is so cool. i never would have thought people would have nothing better to do with their lives.So awesome!I'M grateful they dont.