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writing and singing are my lifelines. this is how i get rid of my pain hurt and sorrow. this is where i talk about love, or the lack of. my innermost thoughts & feelings.



Loose Lips Sink Ships

During WWII millions of people were recruited or volunteered for duty. Many of these people did not know how to prevent inadvertent disclosure of important information. To fix this, the government established some rules. the soldiers were given a document as they entered the battle area.
There are 10 prohibited subjects.
1. Don't write military information of Army units -- their location, strength,, materiel, or equipment.
2. Don't write of military installations.
3. Don't write of transportation facilities.
4. Don't write of convoys, their routes, ports (including ports of embarkation and disembarkation), time en route, naval protection, or war incidents occurring en route.
5. Don't disclose movements of ships, naval or merchant, troops, or aircraft.
6. Don't mention plans and forecasts or orders for future operations, whether known or just your guess.
7. Don't write about the effect of enemy operations.
8. Don't tell of any casualty until released by proper authority (The Adjutant General) and then only by using the full name of the casualty.
9. Don't attempt to formulate or use a code system, cipher, or shorthand, or any other means to conceal the true meaning of your letter. Violations of this regulation will result in severe punishment.
10. Don't give your location in any way except as authorized by proper authority. Be sure nothing you write about discloses a more specific location than the one authorized.
These things were prohibited because they could give things away to the enemy, and we wouldnt wan that now would we?


My Year in Journalism

-Fun,strange, loud, random, exciting, upset, disappointing. These are just some of the many emotions I've felt throughout this school year in journalism class. Hardwork and dedication, a sense of time and a "good eye" are some skills required for this class. Wow.I have learned alot from my teacher and my classmates.
-This year was my 2nd year as a journalist. OMG, oh how far we have come. From 1 computer (papa) to like 20! That was such a blessing. From 8 people to maybe 16 (plus the "extra" people that were so jealous they needed a :study hall" in my class) also a blessing.
-Im thankful for being in this class. Even though we played around a whole lot, and occassionaly made you a little concerned, we still got the job done. In my opinion, we have done a very good job. Everyone did what they were required to do and even put in extra just because. It doesn't bother me that people still don't take the time out to read what we have worked on because I know its good.
-So, how do i begin to describe the atmosphere of our class??? I dont think I can. Its so diverse but yet unified. We have loud people, crazy people, silent people who arent silent anymore, the down right hyper people and the bubbly happy smiley people. Wow what a class!
-Unfortunately, this school year is almost over. We are working on our last issue as I speak. Thats sad for me because it is my last, last issue. *sigh* I really hope that the newspaper continues to get better. Ms. Melancon, make sure the right person takes my place on Kidz Korner. They need to have a heart for children too. I wish you luck and success. I love you.
Keesh Keesh <3



-Toilet paper wipes out 27,000 trees a day.
who: toilet paper and trees
what: the making of toilet paper wipes out the trees
when: whenever someone cuts a tree down to make toilet paper
where: global North and South
why: b/c we need toilet paper
how: growing populations, adoption of Western lifestyles, and sanitation improvements in developing countries are driving the increased use of toilet paper

- Lightening Creates Particle Accelerators above earth.
who: lightening
what: lightening
when: when God decides to let lightening happen. jk. every 10 mins when there is lightening
where: in the sky lol
why: When cosmic rays enter our atmosphere, they strip electrons off air molecules. If a strong lightning bolt happens at the same time, it acts as an electric field, triggering an electron "avalanche" that launches the stray particles skyward in a narrow beam.
how: To start the accelerator, a powerful lightning strike needs to coincide with a burst of cosmic rays—high-energy particles coming from space.http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/04/100419-lightning-natural-particle-accelerators-lhc/

-Deepest Dive:Geographic Honors Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
who: Don Walsh & Jacques Piccard
what: hubbard award
when: last night
where: Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench off Guam./ on Walsh in a ceremony at our Washington, D.C. headquarters. The U.S. Department of the Navy also awarded Walsh its Distinguished Public Service Award.
how: climbed inside a sphere at the bottom of the "bathyscaphe" (deep-diving research submarine) Trieste and descended some 35,800 feet to the deepest place in any ocean on our planet
why: b/c no one has ever dove that deep before

-Acclaimed African Musicians Lend Voices to Kick Polio Out of Africahttp://www.happynews.com/news/4202010/acclaimed-african-musicians-lend-voices.htm

-Remnants of War Become Symbols of Peace

-Spray-On Skin Cells Heal Serious Burns


LSU Rural Life Museum

The LSU Rural Life Museum is holds Louisiana's history. This is a place where tourists can visit to capture Louisiana's culture. "It is located on the Burden Plantation, a 40-acre (160,000 m2) agricultural research experiment station. As a state with a diverse cultural ancestry, Louisiana has natives of French, Spanish, Native American, German, African, Acadian, and Anglo American heritage." The museum holds artifacts up to the 20th century.
The land on which the Rural Life Museum is located originally belonged to Philemon Thomas, a soldier, statesman, and leader of the force that captured Baton Rouge and West Florida from the Spanish in 1810. Later, the land was acquired by William S. Pike, a pioneer settler and prominent businessman in Baton Rouge. Mr. Pike, an uncle of Emma Gertrude Barbee, presented the parcel of land to her as a wedding gift upon her marriage to John Charles Burden in 1856. She and her husband named their plantation Windrush, after a small river which ran near his family home in England. The Burdens left Windrush following John’s death about 1870.
Over the years, every plant that could b e grown in this part of Louisiana has been grown in the Windrush Gardens, though exotics have been generally excluded. Both formal and wild areas were developed – a unique design which is intriguing as well as beautifulThe garden today is approximately 80 years old. A lovely lake has been added with two small islands in the middle. Duck houses for nesting wood ducks adorn the island, and both Louisiana and Japanese irises have been planted around the lakeshore. As years have passed, the gardens have become too shaded for many flowers, and others have become root-bound. Shortly before his death in 1995, Mr. Steele said, “The garden has become old, like me.” But visitors from around the world still stroll the curving paths through a part of Baton Rouge history – still beautiful, still living, still a place “where comfort, peace and tranquility reign.”
The Merrick Walking Beam Steam Engine at the Rural Life Museum was manufactured in 1861 and is one of only eight American-built steam engines known to still exist. It was found on Longwood Plantation on the River Road and may have been purchased by the plantation’s owner, S.J. Gianelloni, Sr. for making boards to use on the plantation. The cast iron engine has a fluted column (cast in one piece) supporting the beam. The fly wheel is 8 feet in diameter and was used to turn the engine, not for turning the belt. The belt pulley is on the crankshaft. Estimates of generated power are 10 to 40 horsepower.
This bronze statue of an elderly black man was created to memorialize the accomplishments and contributions of the African-Americans in nineteenth century Louisiana. After a long and colorful history, the statue was acquired by the LSU Rural Life Museum from the Bryan/Ducournau family in 1974.The statue of an old man tipping his hat was commissioned in 1926 and erected in 1927 at the foot of Front Street in Natchitoches, Louisiana. Set in a small park within a circular drive, the statue became a major tourist attraction as a one of a kind memorial to black workers of the nineteenth century. The statue has been known as the “Good Darky” and “Uncle Jack.” The original plaque (no longer visible) reads, “Dedicated to the arduous and faithful services of the good darkies of Louisiana.” Newspapers and magazines, including the National Geographic, contained articles and pictures of the statue and stated, “A visit to Natchitoches was not complete without a visit to the statue.”


Kidz Korner

- kids stories that we helped them write.
-Kidz Devotional:Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Remember when you were just a little kid, and your mom had to hold your hand everywhere you went?? She was afraid you might run off and get lost. Well, in the same way, God holds your hand. He also loves you. Whenever you need help with something, He will be there to help. He said so and he never lies.

Senior College tips:
Senior year is "the best of times and the worst of times, it is he age of wisdom, it is the age of foolishness." Sorry guys, I had to quote it, it just seemed appropriate, but I will spare the rest since we are all reading it, right? (awkward silence) Well anyway, I know we are all moving on to the next phase in our lives pretty soon, so here are some things that I hope will help you get through your freshman year.

Senior Devotional:
Hey Yall..these verses spoke to me, and i thought i would share them with you. I think they can help must get through some of the battles we will face in college. Hope they speak to you too.
Proverbs 16:3"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
1 John 4:16 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Kids Stories

Easter Egg Hunt
Gabrielle D. (5th grade)

This Easter my mom and I are planning an Easter egg hunt for my cousin Jordan. The golden eggs are going to have 5 or 10 dollars in it. Thats the only reason I'm in it. After the easter egg hunt my family and I are going to have a traditional Easter Dinner. I know it's not all about the food it's about Jesus' Resurrection. The End.

The Story When the Saints Beat the Colts
Tim (5th grade)

One day on Sunday it was the Super Bowl for the Saints. My family was very excited. We went to the store to buy chips and dip, hot dogs, and pickles. When the game started I started to eat a hot dog because I was freaking out. When the Saints made a touchdown my family stood up jumping and screaming. Then when Shockey made a touchdown I found out the Saints beat the Colts. The End.

Cheating Cheetah
Kimani Cadney(3rd grade)

Once upon a time, there was a cheetah that loved to compete. In every competition he cheated to win. His favorite competition was racing other animals. Every time he raced, he tried to trip the other animal so he could win. Then another cheetah came. Then the cheating cheetah tried to trip the other cheetah, but the cheating cheetah wouldn't so he lost the race and all the animals lived happily ever after in the jungle. The End.

The Weekend
Shawn (3rd grade)

I stayed up until my parents woke up. I stayed at my aunts house. I watched tv and on the day I left, I got to play with my next door neighbor. We play bike racing, hide and go seek, and jump on the trampoline.

Black Jack
Aaron (2nd grade)

My dad was driving home and he found puppies. He tried to catch one and he did. He tried to catch the mom, but he couldnt. He named it Black Jack.

My Pretty Pink Dress
Jordyn (1st grade)

I have a pretty pink dress. It has pretty blue pearls on it. I like to wear it to church and I have pink high heels. One time, I wore them to the mall. Everybody loved it. The End.

Spiderman Has Muscles?
Jaden (Kindergarten)

Why does Spiderman have muscles? He was a boy at first until he was bitten by a spider. He became very strong because of the venom. His muscles were big. Because of his muscles he could climb walls. Spiderman was very cool.


Who? Students at the University of Texas.
What? graduate in five years or less.
Where? Texas
When? Now. 3-17-10
Why? The head of the Second Task Force on Enrollment feels this is the to way go
regarding the students who intend to graduate.
How? They'll have to leave the school.

-Mexico's President Calderon seeks US help on drugs war
Who:Mexican President Filipe Calderon, and people from the US
What:killed American workers
Where: Cuidad Juarez
When: Saturday
Why: the people were demanding the withdrawal of Mexican troops in the city
How: there were hundreds of demonstrations and protests and a lot of violence

-Facebook traps Italian fugitive mafia suspect
how: According to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, he was arrested as he tried to escape from the roof of the apartment complex near the southern city of Crotone.
when: recently
where: Crotone
why: he was a murderer that was caught
what: The 33-year-old, who faces charges of murder, mafia association and drugs trafficking, was traced via his network of Facebook contacts.
who:Police say the man - one of the country's 100 most-wanted suspects - was responsible for the 2004 murder of a member of a rival clan, who was killed with a portable rocket launcher.

-Baldness 'could be good for your health' say scientists
how: Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine studied 2,000 men aged between 40 and 47.
They were able to link high levels of the male hormone testosterone in those who lose their hair earlier with a lower risk of tumours.
when: in a study
where: University of Washington School of Medicine
why: it was proved in a study
what: A receding hairline can be a good thing, according to US scientists, who say men who go bald by 30 appear to be less likely to develop prostate cancer.
who: men in general

-Explosions hit Nigeria oil amnesty talks
Who: Africa
What: car bombs
When: happening now
Where: Warri, Nigeria
Why: terrorists wanted to bomb the oil city
How: with car bombs

-Doctors Use Tiny Clip to Repair Leaky Heart Valve Without Surgery
Who: doctors in Illinois
What: a way to avoid heart surgery
When: in the near future
Where: Illinois
Why: to avoid heart surgery
How: the clip would cut off the leaky valve in the heart

-Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing
What: a plane killed a jogger when it went to land: A 38-year-old jogger from Georgia is dead after a single-engine plane making an emergency landing hit him as he ran on a South Carolina beach listening to his iPod.
when: recently
where: beach in South Carolina
how: the man was in the way of the plane
why: plane had to make emergency landing
who: jogger man

-Imprisoned For A Kiss? Two British in Trouble in Dubai
Who:Ayman Najafi, 24, and Charlotte Adams, 25
What: have appealed a conviction for public indecency
When: Last week
Where: Dubai
Why: to much pda apperently
How: a women who witness the alleged action called the police

-Tiger Woods Returns to Play at Masters
Who: Tiger Woods
What: Will return to the masters golf tournament
Where: Augusta, GA
When: next month
Why: he feels ready to start back after his sex scandal
How: he has undergone about two months of inpatient therapy

-Indian Spices, Powders Linked to Lead Poisoning
Who: no one in particular
What: Indian spices = possible lead poisoning
When: recently
Where: Massachusetts
Why: scientific study
How Indian spices are linked to possible lead poisoning after several cases in young children


3.16.2010 feature story

-The time of my life?? Blogging. Well, i'm not sure I agree. My journalsim teacher seems to love it to death. It's like she's married to it. Oh well, I guess it's ok when you think about it.
-Im pretty sure you are wondering what I could possibly be talking about. Im talking about the new "in-thing" called blogging. First let me tell you what it is.Wikipedia defines blog as a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.Blogging is something that people do over the internet.
-My teacher makes her journalism students blog everyday. She says it will help us become better writers so that we can produce the best newspaper we can. Okay, maybe she's right, but blogging about other schools newspapers and just random things is a little boring and redundant. Although, I complain blogging does help me in many ways.
-There are many other things people can blog about though. They basically discuss anything they want to. The subjects are very various. Some talk about their life issues, even political discussions come up. People basically voice their opinions on these things.
-Blogging is a very good way to enhance writing skills and largen your vocabulary. Good writers are usually goos thinkers and very creative. It also improves your typing speed and gives you a voice whether its read or heard. These discusions usually can become open-ended because there are comment boxes. Sometimes people even start discussions on the comments. VERY iNTERESTING.
-If you want to start blogging, go right ahead. It's very easy. All you have to do is go to blogger.com and create your free blog. After that, you're set, get to blogging and see what others have to say about what you think.


kidz corner

Hey kidz!!
Im back again to keep you enertained. I have the usual riddles in this issue ofcourse, but there are a couple of new things. First, the coloring page isn't just a coloring page. It's CONNECT THE DOTS! Ho w awesome is that. Also, the Poetry Korner is a little bit different too. Instead of me just giving ou poem to read, you are able to finish a poem to make it say whatever you want. So just put whatever you think the ending of the poem should sound like in the blanks. I hope you enjoy this. I love you. Keesh Keesh.

Coloring Page:

connect the dots (chase)


What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?? a river

How can you use the letters in NEW DOOR to make one word? one word

You have a dime and a dollar, you buy a dog and a collar, the dog is a dollar more than the collar, how much is the collar? A nickel, the dog cost $1.05

What in an automobile engine serves no purpose but without it the engine does not work? noise

On my way to the fair, I met 7 jugglers and a bear, every juggler had 6 cats, every cat had 5 rats, every rat had 4 houses, every house had 3 mouses, every mouse had 2 louses, every louse had a spouse. How many in all are going to the fair? just me the others were coming from the fair.

Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive? quit imagining

You are driving a bus. Four people get on, three people get off, then eight people get on and ten people get off, then 6 people get on and 2 more people get off. What color were the bus driver's eyes? whatever color your eyes are, youre driving the bus.

How far can you walk into the woods? half way, after that you are walking out of the woods

Kidz Devo:

1 Timothy 4:12
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an exampe for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

this verse is basically saying, do not be afraid to tell others about God just because you are young. When God was little he preached in the tempe to people older than Him and the followed Him because he le by example. We can do the same thing. God Bless!!, Love, Keesh Keesh


1. Yankee Doodle went to town
riding on a chicken.
He went into a restaurant
and came out finger __________ .
2. Yankee Doodle went to town
riding on a monkey.
He had to take a shower quick,
because he smelled so________ .

3. Yankee Doodle went to town
riding on a rooster.
His saddle wasn't high enough,
so now he's got a ________.

Veggie Tales Review (st patricks day)
Hannah Bell



Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Two amazing and dedicated journalists from the Washington Post. These two gentlemen changed history.
You may be asking how that is possible. Well i'm going to tell you ofcourse.
In the early 1970's, the United States suffered from the largest scandal ever recorded in history. Unfortunately, the betrayal came from our
highest office. The office that everyone respected and some supported, The Presidency. Many government officials and President Nixon's Re-Elect
campaign members were involved with this scandal. They committed crimes unthought of just to get President Nixon re-elected.
Many peoples homes and offices were "bugged" and were told not to speak of anything that happened in the "inner walls." If they spoke to
anyone they were told that their lives would be in danger. Fortunately, Woodward and Bernstein did not give up on printing their story. They had to
continuously search for any information that they could find. Keep asking questions which were very seldomly answered straightforwardly. Sometimes, they even had to go through riddles just to get the answers they were looking for.
Woodward and Bernstein kept looking persistently. Little did they know they were uncovering the the largest U.S scandal. President Nixon was re-elected, but all the work he went through to get there was unneccessary. He was going to get re-elected anyway.
He resigned though, to avoid the embarrassment of being impeached.


Reasons to Write..

There are many reasons to write. Well for me, I have no choice.If i don't write I will ultimately FAIL! Anyway, writing informs others,ad tells stories.While putting your thoughts on paper can be dfficult, it is an oportunity to be creative.
There are many things to write about.You can write about whats going on in your community or in your country. This is a form of informative writting. Yu can also write a story about your life or something you have experienced. Maybe a vacation or a summer camp.
Also, the writting doesnt necessarily have to be true. No this doesnt mean falsify information. It just means you can write a fiction story. Maybe you want to appeal to the younger generations. To be honest, i think there are more children's story writers than anyone else. I look around in the libraries and there's so many books for them to read. Many children hate to read though.
Other things you can write are poems or songs. These can also help you to be creative. In poetry, you can have a play on words. Things can mean more than one thing. That is the most creative thing anyone can do.
So if you dont like to write, i think you should try it. It's awesome! Plus writing can take you places you never thought you could go.It really is enjoyable and relaxing.I love it.



Head lice are parasites that can be found on the heads of people. Infection with head lice is called pediculosis. Head lice infection is very common. It has been estimated that up to one in every 10 children in school acquires head lice at some time. In one study, the estimated annual cost of head lice infestations in the United States was nearly $1 billion dollars.
Anyone who comes in close contact with someone who already has head lice, or even their contaminated clothing and other belongings, is at risk for acquiring head lice. Preschool and elementary school children (3-10 years of age) and their families are infected most often. Girls contract head lice more often than boys; women more often than men. African-Americans rarely acquire head lice.
A child can contract head lice in a number of ways. If they come in contact with an already infested person. Ths is common during play, school, or sports activities, and at school, home, slumber parties, or camp. They also wearing infested clothing, such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, or hair ribbons.
There are three forms of lice, namely the nit, the nymph, and the adult louse:Nits are lice eggs. Nits are hard to see and are often confused with dandruff or hair spray droplets. Nits are found firmly attached to the hair shaft. They are oval and usually yellow to white. Nits take about a week to hatch.The nit hatches into a baby louse called a nymph. It looks like an adult head louse, but is smaller. Nymphs mature into adults about seven days after hatching. To live, the nymph must feed on blood.The adult louse is about the size of a sesame seed, has six legs, and is tan to grayish-white in color. In people with dark hair, the adult louse looks darker.
For effective elimination of head lice, the infested individual, family members that are also infested, and the home must all be treated. Over-the Counter(OTC) or prescription medications are used to treat the affected people and their families.So if you didnt know much abouthead lice, now you do. This is very important iformation. We need to know!!



kidz korner

i was thinking about putting a iture of scooby doo and some hearts on it for the coloring page since the little girl asked. i hope i can put oe of the kids stories on my page.



The overly populated Haiti suffered a severe earthquake 2 weeks ago. The earthquake left the residents of Haiti devestated,desperate,and helpless. Many have lost their lives, and rescue teams are still searching through debri only to find more missing people. The people of Haiti were already poor and sort of at a disadvantage before the earthquake happened. Since the island is so small and over populated, the food supply was already short. Now that they have bben through this, everything has fallen apart.
"Many notable landmark buildings were significantly damaged or destroyed, including the Presidential Palace, the National Assembly building, the Port-au-Prince Cathedral, and the main jail. Among those killed were Archbishop of Port-au-Prince Monsignor Joseph Serge Miot."
The Haitian authorities confirmed that the death toll exceeded 150,000 people as of January 25th.The bodies had to be buried in mass graves because the island is so small. Rescue teams are still helping the Haitians by sending them medical supplies, food, and other necessities.
On January 22nd the United Nations called off the search for survivors. Meanwhile, The U.S. Army's Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) will send its 597th Transportation Brigade to Port-au-Prince to deliver humanitarian supplies. This department of the military usually only transports passengers but for this mission the Maritime Administration has given operational control of the vessel to the Military Sealift Command to deliver equipment and cargo as well as military personnel.
(opyright © 2010, Newport News, Va., Daily Press)
In hopes of rebuilding Haiti, many people are donating money to them. Even large companies are setting up ways for people to donate. This has impacted more people than you may have thought it would. Even though it was on the other side of the country , it afected the world.We can all donate money to them, they are desperately in need of it.
Some people are still selfish though. Some believe that the government paid more atention to the disaster in Haiti, than a disaster in their own country. They are refering to the hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We have to realize that even though we had a disaster of our own, we were initially better off than the Haitians in the first place. We weren't desperately poor or helpless. Yes, we went though a lot and our lives were altered a little bit, but just for a second stop being selfish and become comepletely selfless. That's all that matters.


1.19.10 UTeach/20 pics


That was pretty cool. I never really understood that game anyway, so I never played it. Im definately going to play it now that I know how to cheat, I mean win. lol. Thanks Nate-Dog.


Ok trees? Didnt expect to learn about those. What can I say though, with Tim, expect the unexpected. This was so interesting. To be ones, I did wonder how some trees were able to grow in the weird positions Tim taught about. So, no Tim, you didnt teach in vain. I liked it.

Alexis-Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ok Lex, yes i loved the fact that you taught me how to make them, but you actually brought us some. That was the best part. I appreciate the recipe but i dont think mine will taste like hers. This was the best UTeach because SheTeached and IAte. lol.

1.20.10- The Illuminati/O.T.O.

In Mr. Baham's family finance class and Mr. Spann's Boys Bible class we were watching a DVD named the Truth Behind Hip-Hop. This DVD is very informative, but in a way hard to believe in the beginning. It's about how music holds sublimal messages mostly about worshiping the Devil. Showing how some famous people, mostly musicians, believe that Hip-Hop is a way of life.
First, I'll give you the background behind the Illuminati and the O.T.O. The people of the Illuminati are said to be "Enlightened". They claim to know things we do not and have higher knowledge which they believe to be the truth. The O.T.O.(Ordo Templi Orientis) "is an international fraternal and religious organization founded at the beginning of the 20th century. English author and occultist Aleister Crowley has become the most well known member of the order. He is also known as the most wicked man that ever lived."
These peolple beleive that God did not give Satan a fair chance. In their eyes, Satan was misunderstood and he should receive grace and mercy just like us. Their main goal is to lead us away from God and they do this boldly. It has been proven that they are doing this through the media industry, but mainly through music. My philosophy as to why music is the power source is because when Satan was an Angel, he was head of Praise and Worship.
Artists such as Michael Jackson, Prince and even some of our Modern artists are thought to believe in this. This is how the O.T.O. works with the famous. When the person of their interest reaches a certain amount of money and sell a ceretain amount of of albums, the O.T.O. will contact them and force them to join. If they refuse to join, they will be either killed, thrown in jail, or someone in theor family may get killed. When they join, the artists are promised a very wealthy life and much praise from fans.
This all leads back to Lucifer wanting praise through music. The artists are worshiping him, therefore the praise is going back to him. These things are not discreetley done. The famous song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zepplin, has a backwards, disturbing message. The alleged message, which occurs during the middle section of the song ("If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now...") when played backwards, was purported to contain the Satanic references "Here's to my sweet Satan" and "I sing because I live with Satan".
That was only one example! There are many more artists who use the technique of backmasking. Do not be fooled. It is real. Christians step up. The Devil is bold, so how much more bold should we as Christians be!

(source: wikepedia.com)


High Skewl Newspapers

Catholic High School
-baton rouge
-Bearly Published
-won numerous awards for the newspaper,including 1st place awards.
-in its 33rd year

Lakewood High
-lakewood colorado
-the lance newspaper

Bronco talk
hudson, nh

Lutcher High School
-Maxpreps Articles
-Lutcher, La

Central High School
-Montgomery Alabama



Rank 3rd place: least favorite

Omg! Newspaper I deas! To be honest this did help to get the creative juices flowing, i agree with that part, but just the numbering part got tiring. I mean you have to go from 1 to 50. That takes so much effort. That means 50 periods to go behind the numbers. I preesed the enter button to go to the next line 50 times. Ugh!! 50, 50, 50. Why did you like that number so much??

-I dont like this blog assignment because it takes to much time and i umm..nevermind. lol. luv ya ms melancon-

Rank 2nd place: second favorite

Very, very strange autobiography. Basically i got to talk about whatever i wanted to talk about. I made up my life. Well, i added fake things to my life and some truth. It was cool though. You should try it sometime. It'll make your life a little bit more interesting. Enjoy!!

Rank 1st place: FAVORITE
Jem is totally Outrageous

This was awesome! Ok so do you remember the popular 80s show? Ok even if you do Im going to tell you anyway. So this show was awesome back in the day. Its about a girl named Jem. She loves to sing (just like me) and she's in a band. Thats enough right there. Awesome, I know! So if you havent seen it. Go on youtube and find out. You'll love it, I did!